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Loading Completed Event?

Asked by BKO
8 years ago.

In my Day Pilot Scheduler, its take a few seconds to load meeting details from database. So i need to add a waiting symbol during loading time. I can set the visibility of waiting symbol when its starts loading. But I can't find any loading completed event to make waiting symbol hidden. Is there any loading completed event in daypilot scheduler?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

There is a built-in element ("loading label") that will be displayed if a callback takes more than about 100ms.

You can set the label HTML using LoadingLabelText property. It is displayed in the upper-left corner of the grid.

There are also CallBackStartJavaScript and CallBackEndJavaScript properties that will let you specify JavaScript code that will be executed when a callback is start and finished, respectively.

Comment posted by BKO
8 years ago.

I have seen that built-in element ("loading label"). But I need a separate loading symbol. By using CallBackStartJavaScript and CallBackEndJavaScript now I am able to do the same. Thanks for your support.

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