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Add multiple rows to selection is slow, any faster way?

Asked by Anonymous
8 years ago.

My User wanst to select all rows (> 200 rows) on Scheduler, and all selected rows should be highlighted.

I know there is a way to add rows one by one by calling dpScheduler.rows.selection.add(row).
However this function becomes very slow when I have more than 100 rows, which takes about 30 seconds to finish, which is not bearable.

I wonder if there is a faster way to add a collection of rows to dpScheduler.rows.selection in one shot?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

You can also use .selectedRows property:

dp.selectedRows = ['A', 'B', 'C'];

Let me know if the performance doesn't get better this way.

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