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How to add a recurrence symbol for series of events whereby each event is a seperate event?

Asked by mrplatypus
9 years ago.
Dan and Team,
In the following post:

I am in the process of following this through.

I would like to add a recurring symbol for those events that no longer use the in-built recurrence system.

Please advise what I need to do to achieve the addition of a recurring symbol where appropriate?

Thanks & Regards


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You can add the image using BeforeEventRender - just modify the html using e.Html to include an <img> element.

Another option is to use event active areas:

This way you will be able to place the icon at a specific location easily.

There is a sample recurring event icon at Demo/media/linked/recur10x9.png

Answer posted by mrplatypus
9 years ago.


That's brilliant .. worked a treat.

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