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Lose the line between columns in week view in IE8

Asked by Vaishali
15 years ago.

I have an aspx page inside in Iframe. The day pilot control is set in a scrolling div on the .aspx page. The height spec is set to full

I have button above the div which switch the day pilot from day view to week view.. when I do that the week view display but with 1 or 2 vertical lines missing.

Also every now and then it draws over the container div and over the buttons

I am running IE8 on a Windows 7 machine. Have also seen this on IE8 on Vista but not IE8 on XP

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

This seems to happen when you have the compatibility mode turned on in IE8. Can you confirm this?

Comment posted by Vaishali
15 years ago.

yes that is correct. If I add the <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> the problem goes away

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

OK, Thanks. The primary goal is to make it working in the native IE8 mode. I will try to fix it for the compatibility mode as well (if possible).

Comment posted by BizzCo - JPB
15 years ago.
This occurs to me too. I added but that didn't work out. When is this solved ?
Comment posted by Sandeep
13 years ago.

I am facing the Same problem on Window XP+IE8.

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