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Events with HTML

Asked by Ante
14 years ago.


when I try to move events with html-source like this:

e.InnerHTML = String.Format("<span style='color:green'>{0}</span>", e.Text);

sometime the event is getting a wrong resource. Only sometimes.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

This happens in IE8. There is a partial workaround included in DayPilot Pro 6.2 SP2 (see the release notes for more details).

It looks like an IE8 bug (it doesn't happen in other browsers, even IE8 in compatibility mode works fine). It also seems that it was introduced recently in one of the IE hotfixes (it was working fine some time ago).

Comment posted by Ante
14 years ago.

Yes, you'reright. With Firefox this error don't appear. But when I use DPP 6.2 SP2 it still happens in IE8.

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