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Hide rows in Gantt

Asked by Martijn
8 years ago.

Is it possible to hide a (complete) row in the Gantt as it is possible in the Schedule (via row - filter)?
I can select rows, but am unable to hide them as far as I can see, is that correct? Ifso, any future plans to support this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

The row filtering API is not implemented in the Gantt chart at the moment.

However, you can hide the row by setting .row.hidden attribute of the task to true:

var task = dp.tasks.list[0[;
if (!task.row) {
  task.row = {};
task.row.hidden = true;
Comment posted by Martijn
8 years ago.

works like a charm, thanks!

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