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Is it possible to hide the parents and leave the children with its events visible

Asked by Serryn Frankie
1 month ago.

Red lines and green lines hidden.
This way less rows
see attachment

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

You can use the row filter to hide selected rows in the Scheduler. If you set rowFilterParentsAlwaysVisible to false, the parent rows that don’t match the filter will be hidden as well.

Comment posted by Serryn Frankie
1 month ago.

Hi Dan,
I can’t find the solution with row filter.

I want for each V……. number to remove the rows
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This way all the empty rows are hidden and the events follow each other in a row

Comment posted by Serryn Frankie
1 month ago.

sorry here is the picture

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

Hi Frankie,

There is an example that shows how to hide rows with no events:

HTML5 Scheduler: Hiding Rows without Events

You can also access the parent using args.row.parent() and check if the name/id is "V..number”.

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