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onBeforeCellRender set cell properties

Asked by Paolo
8 years ago.

Hi all,

I'm using the Daypilot Calendar in ored to manage a SPA appointmens.
On the columns I have the treatment rooms and on the rows the timeframe.

I'm wondering if it's possible to add a cell property field during the onBeforeCellRender and get it on the onTimeRangeDoubleClicked.

For example : On my onBeforeCellRender I'm checking if the treatment rooms (from the args.cell.resource field) is closed. Than I change the cell css but I would like also to add a cell property like

args.cell.room_closed = "yes"

and easily get this property on the onTimeRangeDoubleClicked function (in order to avoid every time a check procedure based on the resource)

Thanks for any help

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