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Day View in daypilot lite

Asked by 648
17 years ago.

I am using DemoSql folder of DayPilot Lite.

I added dayview.aspx to this folder

Now when i select a day in asp:calender on extreme left

how to show details of that day in dayview

I will really appreciate if you can help me.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
You will need UpdatePanel form ASP.NET AJAX Extensions to make it work.

Basic requirements:
  • Both Calendar and DayPilotCalendar in the same UpdatePanel (you can use triggers later, but start with this configuration)
  • Handle SelectedDayChanged of the standard Calendar control (I'm writing from memory, it's not the correct name but you wil find it). In the event handler, change StartDate property of DayPilotCalendar and call DayPilotCalendar.DataBind().
Comment posted by 648
17 years ago.
Thank yoy Dan
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