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Scheduler min height + border styling

Asked by Lauwens
17 years ago.
Like to make a request for a property to set a min height for the Schedular cells... so an event can be 20px but the cell wil remain 50 until 3 events are stacked (60 (3x20) beeing higher then 50 and all)...

Plus I tried to make fat lines between the resources but was unable to do this... I was able to edit the lines between the cells (css style border-bottom) but then the lines between the resources in the header didn't change and it lost a px alignment per resource.

Setting the BorderStyle and BorderWidth (of the entire control) didn't change anything (so changing it to 10px still renders 1px border), only changing the color works...

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Minimum Scheduler row height
This makes sense. I'm writing it down for implementation. What's the reason you for specifying the min height - is it because of selecting the free time behind the occupied time slots?

Fat lines between the resources
Unfortunately, it's not so simple as changing the CSS style. The box calculations in IE and FF give different results and all border width options must be coded explicitly. So far, DayPilot always draws 1px border between cells. I will check how difficult it would be to change it.
Comment posted by Lauwens
17 years ago.
The minimum height would be used to see the backgroundcolor, because it represents special information about that certain day, So unless there are more then a certain number of events on that day is would like to keep that background visible...

plus less resizing of the whole table is always better...
Answer posted by Daniel
11 years ago.

Fat lines between the resources

...did you implemented it yet?!

I want to have a black border around "few" resources.


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