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Scheduler: consecutive events appear as overlapping with high zoom level

Asked by Alexandre Menif
2 years ago.

Some time, when two events follow each over in the scheduler, and when the zooming level make them drawn with a very small width, they can appear as overlapping (each event on its own line), when they would normally appear on the same line (for example with other zoom levels).

This occur with pair of events where the next one start at the same time than the previous one end, or even if there is a one minute delay between them. Also it occurs because we use the setting "useEventBoxes: 'Never'".

I attach a small code example that reproduces this issue. And a screenshot of how it looks on my computer.

For us, it is an issue because it confuses our users to believe that they have overlapping activities in their production plan when they look at the overview zoom level.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

In some cases this can happen. It's a result of the following logic:

1. The Scheduler enforces a minimum event with of 1px.
2. The overlaps are resolved on pixel level.

These rules are necessary to ensure consistency of the view. Otherwise there could be events with zero width or events that are stacked in multiple layers.

You can avoid this by increasing the "cellWidth" value (so that 1pixel represents a large enough time span). You can also force all events to be displayed in the same line using "eventStackingLineHeight: 0" (see also

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