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Resource bubble is not supported yet

Asked by Anonymous
7 years ago.


I am using DayPilot.Web.MVC version 8.3.5880.1 and daypilot-all.min.js version 2937.

After update the version, if I leave the cursor of few milliseconds over any resource item on the scheduler or click on one of them, I am getting this error message on the controller - Backend method.

"System.NotImplementedException: 'Resource bubble is not supported yet.'"

On the DayPilot.Web.MVC version 8.3.5862.1 and daypilot-all.min.js version 2717 was not happening, I didn't change anything on the code just updated DayPilot and this error is happening now.

Thanks for the reply.

Comment posted by Anonymous
7 years ago.

I updated to version 8.4.5882 but still the same.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.4.5883):

Thanks for reporting the issue.

Comment posted by Anonymous
7 years ago.

It did not work for me.

I did the update for the latest version (8.4.5883), but now I am getting "JavaScript critical error at line 241, column 20 in http://localhost:32456/\n\nSCRIPT1002: Syntax error" before the page finish load. The error is on this line:

v.resourceBubble = ;

Thanks for the reply.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Oh yes, you're right. Can you please give it a try using build 8.4.5883?

Answer posted by Anonymous
7 years ago.

It fixed, on version 8.4.5884 it the problem does not occur anymore.


Comment posted by Petr
7 years ago.


is it possible that the error mentioned above is back in version DayPilotProMvc-8.4.5900? I am using Calendar and if i hover any resource header then the exception "System.NotImplementedException: 'Resource bubble is not supported yet.'" is thrown.

Thanks for your reply.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

This topic covers the Scheduler component - it turns out that there was a bug in the Calendar as well.

It should be fixed in the latest sandbox build (5901):

The fix removes the default bubble object that causes an error - the column bubble is still not supported on the server side (but you can use a static bubbleHtml if needed).

Comment posted by Brian S
7 years ago.

I am able to replicate this same issue while using the latest version.

ASP.NET MVC 8.4 SP4 version 8.4.5904.0

daypilot-all.min.js version 3090

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