Here are the steps I followed, although I was making it up as I went along:
1) Deleted the Reference DayPilot.Web.Mvc
2) Copied the new .dll from the Demo/Bin directory of the download to the bin directory of my project. I chose this file as oppose to the one from the Binary directory because it was larger and newer.
3) Registered the new .dll
4) Copied the daypilot-all.min.js file from the Demo/Scripts/DayPilot directory to the Scripts/DayPilot directory of my project. I did not delete the original files (common.js and month.js) from my project, although it appears that these files are no longer valid.
5) Modified the BundleConfig.cs file in the App_Start directory of my project to remove the references to common.js and month.js, and added the reference to daypilot-all.min.js. The new instruction is as follows:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/app").Include(
6) Did not remove the .css file (Content/DayPilot/themes.css). I do see where there is a layout.css file in the Demo project, but I did not do anything.
7) Modified the web.config to add the DayPilot namespace:
<add namespace="DayPilot.Web.Mvc"/>
Previous installation instructions indicated to add this namespace in the Views/Web.Config. I did not remove that one, so now it exists in both Web.Config files.
When I test my project, I get the:
Line: 76
Error: 'DayPilot' is undefined
Thanks in advance for your help... Bobby