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Navigator for both dayPilotMonth and DayPilotCalendar

Asked by francesco dugar
6 years ago.

in a aspx web form page I need to control dpmonth and dpcalendar with an unique daypnavigator control.
I've tried to change at runtime the BoundDayPilotID navigator properties but it seems doesn't care about that and consider just the initial option (or month or calendar....).
I've tried both in code-behind or throught Jquery into page code to fix the BoundDayPilotID property
if (tab_id == "tab-1") {
$("#MainContent_DayPilotNavigator1").attr("BoundDayPilotID", "DayPilotMonth1");


if (tab_id == "tab-2") {
$("#MainContent_DayPilotNavigator1").attr("BoundDayPilotID", "DayPilotCalendar1");

alert( $("#MainContent_DayPilotNavigator1").attr("BoundDayPilotID"));
thank you

Answer posted by Anonymous
6 years ago.
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