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No source variable in ContextMenu when opened programatically with TouchEvent

Asked by Pascal
5 years ago.


When I try to open the ContextMenu of an event programatically with ";" there will be no source field available in this as described here:

However, I have noticed this only happens if the event that triggers the ContextMenu is a TouchEvent.
If it is fired from MouseEvent the source field will be there.

Is there a solution for my problem? Or is it not implemented the same way for TouchEvents?

Thanks for any help

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

Do you mean that the problem only appears when you open the menu item using "tap" gesture instead of mouse click?

Or do you mean that you call from a touch event handler?

Comment posted by Pascal
5 years ago.

Yes, I mean the problem only happens if coming from the tap gesture instead of mouse click.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

It looks like I'm not able to reproduce the issue using the latest sandbox build. Please see the following demo:

There is a link below the Scheduler that opens a context menu manually:

Context menu:
var manualMenu = new DayPilot.Menu({
  items: [
      {text:"Show event ID", onClick: function(args) {alert("ID: " +;} },
<a href='{id: "test-id"})'>Manual context menu</a>

Can you please give it a try?

Please note that it uses the new "onClick" event handler (instead of the legacy "onclick") which uses "args" parameter.

Let me know if the problem persists with the latest sandbox build (2018.3.3366).

Answer posted by Pascal
5 years ago.

Hi Dan

Thank you so much for your help.
I upgraded to the latest stable version 2018.3.3353 and now it works without any issue...

PS: I noticed that I can't install the sandbox version as pro version with my key. Is this behaviour desired? I didn't want to downgrade from pro to trial for testing out the sandbox version. Thankfully it works with the latest stable verison.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

The sandbox version is only available as a trial version. You'll be able to get the licensed version as soon as the next release is available.

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