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Format date in timesheet mode (Angular 5)

Asked by Guenther
6 years ago.

I'm currently working on a timesheet component, and I want to display the dayname in front of the date. However, the only property I found is headerdateproperty. If I set a valid date-pattern nothing changes, it displays always according to my locale (de-at).

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

By default, the timesheet uses the short date format specified using the current locale for the day headers.

You can customize the text using onBeforeRowHeader render event handler:

config: any = {

  onBeforeRowHeaderRender: args => {
    args.row.html = args.row.start.toString("dddd M/d/yyyy");
  // ...

See also:

Comment posted by Guenther
6 years ago.

Hi Dan,
thank you. Now the next problem:

locale: 'de-at',
args.row.html = args.row.start.toString('ddd dd.MM.yyyy');

=> but in that case I get the day names in English, not in German (as expected by the locale)

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Hi Günther,

You can specify the locale as the second parameter like this:

args.row.html = args.row.start.toString('ddd dd.MM.yyyy', 'de-at');


args.row.html = args.row.start.toString('ddd dd.MM.yyyy', this.config.locale);

Let me know if it didn't help.

Comment posted by Guenther
6 years ago.

Great, thank you for you help.

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