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How to implement a "Previous" and "Next" buttons

Asked by Jeremy
5 years ago.

I was wondering how I go about implement a "Previous" and "Next" buttons for a scheduler and have it move to either the next month or the previous month?
I have been trying to implement a DayPilotNavigator but not having a lot of success for some reason, but then I thought, all I need is are Previous and Next buttons, but not had any success either.
I am just using the Hotel Tutorial for MVC code (C#).

Your help would be appreciaed! :-)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

You can take a look at the main MVC Scheduler demo:

It includes Next/Previous buttons which use commandCallBack() method to invoke Command event on the server side where the StartDate value is updated.

See also:

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