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Why is some of the Calendar bar another color, sometimes?

Asked by Kim
7 years ago.

In my Calendar, the blue bar at the event edge is sometimes lighter (barBackColor?) in a small part . I know this is a behaviour that should show part-time-of-whole-time when in Scheduler, but why does it change "by itself" here? An example is the Badminton event on Wednesday in attached.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

By default, the event boxes are aligned with the grid (useBoxes="Always", see also

The duration bar is filled with the lighter color. The darker color highlights the real event duration.

That means if the event start and/or end don't match the cells part of the light background will be visible.

There are several ways to avoid that:

  • modify the css theme (set the duration bar background color to the same color - use to generate a custom theme)
  • set the useEventBoxes property to "Never" - this will affect the event box size (it will shrink to match the real duration)

You can also customize the bar color and bar background color per event using onBeforeEventRender ( Use and

Comment posted by Kim
7 years ago.

Thanks Dan, Makes perfect sense.

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