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Event bg color does not change after being selected in scheduler

Asked by Dave
10 years ago.

Hi Guys,

I've having an issue with the event background color not changing after being selected in the Scheduler. This only happens when I've already changed the background color of the event in the OnBeforeEventRender. I need to color code some of the events based on the type of event they are but once I do this they can not be visibly differentiated once they are selected.

On events which have not changed color, the selection changes the event color normally. I know this is done through CSS normally but not sure what I'm missing.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Answer posted by Dave
10 years ago.

Nevermind I found my own answer on this board with a bit more searching. For those curious here is the post that helped me. Thanks.

Comment posted by Anonymous
10 years ago.


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