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DayPilot Pro for angular

Asked by Vladislav Shestakov
4 years ago.

Hello, i have a question.
I using daypilot pro for angular. And i found method 'onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender ', which need me for current feature. But method doesn't work in my application. I think it's because of the version. My daypilot version is 2019.4.4101. And version for this method is 2020.1.4266.
Can you tell me what I can do?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

You'll need to upgrade your DayPilot Pro version.

Comment posted by Vladislav Shestakov
4 years ago.

Dan, thanks. I will discuss it with customer

Comment posted by Vladislav Shestakov
4 years ago.

But, Is it possible to somehow change the sorting logic and icons in my version?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.


This feature is already implemented and available. New features, improvements, bug fixes, and support are funded by those who keep their subscription active - and we believe this is the only fair and sustainable way. This way we can be there when you need it. So I'm sorry but I hope you understand that.

Comment posted by Vladislav Shestakov
4 years ago.

Dan, thanks, i understood you

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