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Scroll to resource issue in DayPilot 2020.3.4610

Asked by Tan Dinh
4 years ago.

Hi there,

I implement the feature: scroll to resource in daypilot use the api scrollToResource but I faced the issue with it as below:

I create a search box on the top of screen and user will input the resource name to search. After user select to resource, I will scroll to it and mark it is selected. This resource will locate at the top of viewport.

But because I also apply dynamic event loading for our schedule lead to: after schedule scroll to resource and locate it at the top, the events will render and push this resource to out of viewport.

Is there any way to keep the resource at the top of viewport?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to predict how the row height changes before the data are loaded.

You can either make sure that the event row heights are the same (forbid overlapping events, group concurrent events -, display overlapping events at the same position - or you can load the data for the full height (all resources).

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