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Facing issue in calendar vertically scrolling with page scrolling

Asked by Ankit Dhiman
1 month ago.

Hello Team,

I’m using resource view in RTL. There are issue with vertically scrolling means i have three lavel header in my calendar if i scroll down in calendar area the header part hides and i have to go top again to view the resource of header.

I need to fix header resource part, if i scroll down it should be fixed on top.

Please help me to fix this issue.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

It is necessary to set a fixed position of the calendar in the page. You can do that by fixing the parent element and setting the height of the calendar to 100%.

This way, you will be able to avoid the double vertical scrollbar.

Comment posted by Ankit Dhiman
1 month ago.

Please check my attachment. I need to fix header position on top of calendar if scroll down. There are showing four levels of calendar resource. It should be fixed while scroll down of the page.

Please help me to fix this.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
28 days ago.

Please take a look at the following tutorial:

It explains the solution in detail.

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