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Manage startHour and endHour for events in Month Calendar

Asked by Andrea
2 years ago.

Hi, I must manage events whit start and end hours using Month Calendar, for example, I must create an event sizing a box starting at 8.00 am and ending at 10.00am, how can I configure that?

The example I have seen specifies only events on a specific day without setting the start and end hours.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

In the Month component, the events are always displayed as all-day events (the width is aligned with cells).

You can display the start and end time using eventStartTime and eventEndTime properties:

If you want to display a shorter event box you can use the Scheduler component. That doesn't support the typical month view though - the date/time is only on the horizontal axis.

Comment posted by Andrea
2 years ago.

Ok, thank you for the answer: are the events ordered based on its starting and ending time?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Yes, see more details here:

You can also specify custom sort order if needed.

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