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Problem with exporting events

Related article: JavaScript/HTML5 Scheduler PDF Export (Paged by Month)
Asked by Arpine
3 years ago.

I do export the Scheduler as a Multi-Page PDF Document. My scheduler has 100 lines. In my Pdf file, i have just the events of the viewport lines. The events not in my viewport don't exist in my file (I have all my lines, but the events data are empty).

Thank you in advance.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

The Scheduler will include events that are loaded at the moment of export (it uses the event data from events.list) in the exported image.

If you use dynamic loading ( you may only have loaded events for the current viewport. In that case, only these events will be included in the exported image.

Please let me know if it didn't help.

Comment posted by Arpine
3 years ago.

Hello Dan Letecky,
Thanks for your reply, it helps me find and solve my problem :)

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