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Daypilot angular bundle size

Asked by Hicham el Allouchi
2 years ago.

Hi there!

I little question about the bundle size of daypilot when working with Angular 12.
Atm I am building an application were we use daypilot on 1 single page.

The problem however is that daypilot is around 84% of that bundle. (see screenshot)

I was wondering if there is anything I could do to reduce the bundle size of daypilot?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Unfortunately, the package size can't be reduced.

We recommend the following to improve the loading time:

  • make sure the bundle is served compressed (in your screenshot, you can see that the gzipped size is 213 KB which is a size of one image)
  • enable proper client-side caching (you can cache forever since the bundle name is always unique)
  • serve the JavaScript from a CDN

These steps will reduce the loading time to 50-60ms during the initial load and to 0ms during subsequent loads.

If you only use DayPilot in a part of your application you may also consider using Angular lazy loading for the respective module. In that case, the library will only be loaded when needed:

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

There is now a new tutorial available that shows how to implement module lazy loading:

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