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Writing current date and time to DB from a context menu item

Asked by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Hi Dan

Thanks for all of your help so far. Our application is almost ready to license and launch.
I have a stumbling block that I need some guidance on.

In its simplest form I want to write the date and time to a new field in the database “job_start” whenever I click on the context menu item “Clock On”. I would also like the alert banner to say “clocked on” when the date and time are written to the DB.

Ideally, I’d like to add a check to the process:

1/ Click on the context menu item “Clock On”

2/ A Model box appears with the message “Are you sure you want to clock onto this job” and two buttons “yes” and “no”

3/ Clicking “no” cancels the action

4/ Clicking “yes” writes the current date and time to the DB field “job_start”

5/ upon successful date / time write to the database the schedulers banner alert will read “clocked on”

I then need to repeat all the above for the DB field “job_end” (Clock Off)

Is this something you can help with?

Thank you.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

Something like this could work (you will need to adjust it for your needs):

async function clockOn() {
    const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.confirm("Are you sure you want to clock onto this job?");

    if (!modal.canceled) {
        const {data} = await"clock_on.php");

async function clockOff() {
    const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.confirm("Are you sure you want to clock off this job?");

    if (!modal.canceled) {
        const response = await"clock_off.php");
        if (response.status === 200) {

And the PHP scripts:

// Database connection...
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yourdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');

// Insert current date and time into job_start field
$sql = "UPDATE jobs SET job_start = NOW() WHERE user_id = :user_id";
$sth = $db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']));

$response = array('message' => 'Clocked on');
echo json_encode($response);

Note that it creates a new db record and it reads a user id stored in session.

// Database connection...
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yourdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');

// Insert a new record with current date and time into job_end field
$sql = "INSERT INTO jobs (user_id, job_end) VALUES (:user_id, NOW())";
$sth = $db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']));

$response = array('message' => 'Clocked off');
echo json_encode($response);
Comment posted by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Tank you! I'll give it a whirl and let you know what happens.

Comment posted by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Hi Dan

I was doing fine until this bit: "Note that it creates a new db record and it reads a user id stored in session."

I'd actually used the existing 'events' table and simply added the fields 'job_start' and 'job_end'. Each event in this table also has a resource ID that corresponds to a user, thus adding clocking on/off records to this table gives me all the information I need.

I'm guessing that all I need to do is change this line:

$sql = "UPDATE jobs SET job_start = NOW() WHERE user_id = :user_id"; $sth = $db->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']));

To something like this:

$sql = "UPDATE events SET job_start = NOW() WHERE id = :id";

Which, when implemented, gives me 'message' => 'Clocked on' but nothing is written to the job_start field in events.

What am I missing?

Thank you.

Comment posted by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Just looing at the Clocking On aspect my full clock_on.php is:

require_once '_db.php';

$sql = "UPDATE events SET job_start = NOW() WHERE id = :id";

$response = array('message' => 'Clocked on'); 
echo json_encode($response);

and the Context menu item is:

{text: "Clock On", onClick: async function clockOn() {
    const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.confirm("Are you sure you want to clock onto this job?");

    if (!modal.canceled) {
        const {data} = await"clock_on.php");
Comment posted by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Looking back at my first question to you, a few weeks back, I'm guessing I need to do something similar to:

however I cannot work out how to work the current date/time into the mix.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

Yes, you can use UPDATE to modify an existing record. Don't forget to send the event id with the request (either in the query string part of the URL or in the body as JSON) and bind the value to the query.

You don't have to send the current time from the client. It's better to generate in on the server. In the example above it's generated by the database (the "NOW()" function).

Comment posted by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Hi Dan

Thank you very much for the reply however, I'm sorry, you've lost me. I'm fine with HTML/CSS but I "best guess" and copy my way through PHP/Javascript and my best guess is coming up short!

I need the idiots guide...

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

You can send the event id like this:

The event object is accessible as `args.source` in the `onClick` event handler ( You can read the event id using the `id()` method (

The `` method sends the specified object (the second argument) in the request body in JSON format (

  text: "Clock On", 
  onClick: async (args) => {
    const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.confirm("Are you sure you want to clock onto this job?");

    if (!modal.canceled) {
        const {data} = await"clock_on.php", {id :;

And on the server (clock_on.php) you can read and bind the id like this:

require_once '_db.php';

$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$params = json_decode($json);

$stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE events SET job_start = NOW() WHERE id = :id");
$stmt->bindParam(':id', $params->id);

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$response = array('message' => 'Clocked on'); 
echo json_encode($response);

Comment posted by Steve Lee
11 months ago.

Good morning Dan :-)

Thank you very much for the clear explanation and the code. It now works perfectly and, more importantly, I now understand why it works perfectly!

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