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Demo does not work

Related article: Vue Resource Calendar (Open-Source)
Asked by Phil Allen
11 months ago.

The demo with Composition API. Events are not showing in the calendar and the Navigator has no effect on the calendar when different date selected.

It is possible to add a new date but calendar will not respond to date changes.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

The current date is changed using the onTimeRangeSelected event of the date picker (Navigator):

const navigatorConfig = {
  // ...
  onTimeRangeSelected: args => {
    calendarConfig.startDate =;

The calendarConfig object needs to be made reactive so Vue can detect and apply the changes automatically:

const calendarConfig = reactive({
  startDate: "2023-08-01",
  // ...

The events should load fine, they just were outside of the visible range.

The tutorial is now updated and you can download the fixed project.

Please let me know if there is any problem.

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