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Focus calendar or a scheduler on a selected date outside of the control

Asked by ITMA
10 years ago.


I can't find how to focus the calendar or a scheduler on a selected date outside of the control itself.

The Calendar control uses a parameter as @Start. Is it possible to have that date set to another date than the current one from code behind?


Comment posted by Kevin Fauver
10 years ago.

It is possible in the code behind, but why would you want to have the focus on a date outside the visible time range of the calendar (i.e. if the calendar is looking at week 2 in march, why would you want the focus to be on week 3 in june?)

Comment posted by ITMA
10 years ago.

Imagine that you are tracking tasks synchronized with 365, connected to a external menu that binds the tasks to a meeting hierarchy. In this case you will have open tasks that are outside of the time range. It is a complex scenario, but it is what I'm working on right now.

I've found a solution on this.


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