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MenuItemData Automatin ID

Asked by Jörg Pfander
5 months ago.

Hi there,

we need the possibilty to show a custom html tag on a Daypilot MenuItemData which can be used for automation purposes.

currently it’s so:

<div class="menu_default_item"><a style="position: relative; display: block;"><span class="menu_default_item_text">Events</span><span class="menu_default_item_icon"><i class="icon-search-circle"></i></span></a></div>

To click the Menu Element over Automation like Selenium, it’s necessary to have an Element Tag which is unique for the Menu Element.

It would be nice, if i can do something like this:

<div class="menu_default_item" dataAtId=”MenuItemEvents”>


Jörg Pfander

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 months ago.

Hi Jörg,

You should be able to target the element using a custom CSS class which you can add using the cssClass property. This property is already available.

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