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Event innerHTML when Printing

Asked by steve65
15 years ago.
The new print export function works great thanks.

But one problem I've found is that any html code added to the InnerHtml of an event just shows as text rather than rendered html.

example e.InnerHTML = "<span class='red'>ALERT</span> & e.InnerHTML
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
Since it's too difficult to implement HTML rendering, you should adjust your InnerHTML depending on DayPilotCalendar.IsExport value (true during export).
I'm considering the following improvements for the future:
  1. adding a simplified HTML rendering (selected tags like <b>, <a>, <img>)
  2. option to render the event rectangle manually in BeforeEventRender
I believe #2 would be more powerful.
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