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Modal Button Order

Asked by Tomás Santos
4 months ago.


Is it possible to switch the order of how the buttons “Cancel” and “Ok” are displayed in the modal? So instead of “Ok | Cancel” it displays “Cancel | Ok”.

Also, if possible I would like to use icons for the text, issue is, the icons I use are React components, not images, which causes them to be displayed as “[Object, Objectc]”.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

The button order is fixed but you can change it using custom CSS:

.modal_default_buttons {
    display: flex;

.modal_default_ok {
    order: 2;

.modal_default_cancel {
    order: 1;

You can add images using raw HTML (React components are not supported at the moment, unfortunately) or using CSS as background images.

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