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How can I change the dysplay time periods from hours to half hours or 5 minutes periods?

Asked by Anonymous
16 years ago.
How can change the dysplay time periods from hours to half or 5 minutes periods?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
You can use CellsPerHour propery. To show 5 minute slots in DayPilotCalendar, set CellsPerHour to 12.
Comment posted by arro
15 years ago.

Hi, Is it possible to have slots that dont make up an hour ? I'm looking to have time slots of 50minutes and would like the display to be something like 8:10|9:00|9:50 and so on - this is purly a display matter I know Its possible to set the CellsPerHour, but what if I want say 50/60 cells per hour ?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
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