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Web Mini License

Asked by Ronald
22 days ago.

Hi support,

i have downloaded and tested the Demo version of DayPilot for JavaScript. For now we need only the Scheduler component in a small application and it would meet our requirements. Regarding the description the Web Mini license would fit (one developer, one instance).
The maintenace support of the Web Mini is 6 month.

What is the probability that the component will no longer work in the future (after the 6 month)?
What could be the reason that something will not work anymore?
And what is to do in the case if something will not work anymore?

Thanks, Ronald

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
22 days ago.

For a one-time project, the Web Mini may work fine. For projects that you need to maintain over longer periods and if the budget allows it, I recommend choosing an edition that includes a renewable maintenance subscription.

The maintenance subscription costs 25% of a new license price per year, and it's recommended since it is the only way to receive new versions with security fixes, browser compatibility fixes, new features, and support.

From time to time, a new version of some browsers contains a quirk that prevents some features from working. It’s not something you will see with every new browser release, but it happens. The subscription serves as insurance in these cases.

If you don’t have a maintenance subscription, you will need to purchase a new license to get the latest release.

Comment posted by Ronald
21 days ago.

Thanks for the answer.

We would use the scheduler component in a small application for internal use only.
The Mini Web edition would fit the requirements, the other editions would be too big.

So is it possible to get a subscription for the Web Mini edition also?

Thanks, Ronald

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
21 days ago.

Unfortunately not. The “Web Mini” edition comes with 6 months of maintenance subscription which cannot be renewed.

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