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Collapsing/hiding hours in calendar

Asked by Rohde Fischer
7 months ago.

I have a week calendar, showing work schedules, but most of the time the work hours are roughly in the same intervals (see picture), so I want to collapse certain hours in the schedule.

Currently a schedule might look like this:

And what I’d like to do is something along the lines of this:

Where the hours from 9-20 are collapsed into one block, allowing a much better overview.

How can I do this?

Comment posted by Rohde Fischer
7 months ago.

Seems the editor didn’t like my pictures. First picture is here:

Comment posted by Rohde Fischer
7 months ago.

And second picture

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

This is not supported in the Calendar at the moment.

It is only possible in DayPilot Pro, in the Scheduler component:

In the Pro version of the Calendar, you might be able to use two Calendar instances with custom start/end hour as a workaround.

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