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Repeat Events

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Is it possible to create Repeat Events for example.

1. Book room on all week days at 11 for 2 hours.

2. Book room on all Mondaysat 11 for 2 hours for 4 weeks


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This should be handled on the data layer - i.e. you should supply one record per event occurrence in the data source.

However, for 4.2 release I plan to include a helper data control that will take your recurrence data from the original source and expand it into the occurrences so it can be shown in DayPilot.

It will work like this (schema):

RecurrenceHelper.DataSource = originalDataSource;
RecurrenceHelper.Expand += new ExpandRulesEventHandler(YourOwnExpandRulesEventHandler);

DayPilotCalendar.DataSource = RecurrenceHelper;
Comment posted by Gareth Phillips
17 years ago.

Thanks - I will look to the road map for the release date of 4.2.


Comment posted by Michael
17 years ago.

Hi Dan,

I was wondering if you are a little bit further with reoccuring appointments (the option to schedule repeating appointments)? It's an feature which will be important for us.

BTW, I am impressed by what you have done, we are looking forward to implement the pro version in our tool (with the mentioned feature in it :) )


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.

As I told you by e-mail, it would be possible to bring it back to the plan (it's on hold at the moment). But it will need some experimenting to see if it's a real help - it might be easier to expand the individual events from the recurrence rules using your own routines (the control will impose a certain model and you might want to use a different one).
Comment posted by Anonymous
15 years ago.

do we have any progress on repeating events?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
13 years ago.

Recurrence is supported since 6.0 release:

See also a tutorial for DayPilot Calendar:

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