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Wrong className for DayPilotMonth component

Asked by Anonymous
7 months ago.

From my understanding of the docs, DayPilotCalendar and its children’s class names follow the calendar_default_ pattern, while DayPilotMonth class names should follow the month_default_ pattern, yet for some reason it seems that both have the calendar_default_ pattern. E.g. both components are modified using the calendar_default_main className when used in CSS.

Is this intentional and I’m just missing something or is this actually a bug?

I want to modify some specific styles for the month calendar but targeting both of the components makes it more difficult.

If any additional information is required I would be glad to share.

Thanks in advance.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

You may be overlooking something. The DayPilotMonth React component indeed uses the ”month_default” CSS theme.

You can check it by inspecting the DOM elements in the JavaScript demo,

You can apply a custom CSS theme using the theme property.

Comment posted by Anonymous
7 months ago.

Ahhh I see, thank you, so CSS themes dictate the className of the component.

Is there some place with a list where I can view all of the supported themes? I can’t seem to be able to find a comprehensive list anywhere.

In addition, is there a place where I can view all of the sub class names? e.g. _default_main, _default_cell, _default_cell_inner, etc. That would be really helpful.

Thanks again in advance.

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