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Initialize Calendar to Show Start and End Time on Event

Related article: HTML5/JavaScript Event Calendar (Open-Source)
Asked by Anonymous
4 months ago.

How do I set the showEventStartEnd property of my calendar to true? I tried using this piece of code, but it’s not working for me.

const dp = new DayPilot.Calendar("dp", {
          theme: "business_theme",
          viewType: "Week",
          showEventStartEnd: "true",
          timeRangeSelectedHandling: "Enabled",
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 months ago.

The showEventStartEnd property isn’t supported in the open-source version of the Calendar component at the moment.

However, you can customize the event content as needed using the onBeforeEventRender event:

  viewType: "Week",
  onBeforeEventRender: args => {
    const text =;
    const start ="h:mm tt");
    const end ="h:mm tt"); = `${text} (${start} - ${end})`;

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