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Debug code for scheduler

Asked by Mikolaj
3 months ago.


I am testing calendar integrations in a CRM system and have encountered some specific issues. While all functionality works correctly in the HTML window (excluding double-click, right-click, and hover interactions on both row headers and events), single-click interactions are functioning as expected. Additionally, although I have verified that the icon URLs are correct, the icons are not displaying.

Could you please provide some debugging code that would help me:

  1. Determine if these issues are being caused by third-party software interference

  2. Identify what information I need to report to the third-party vendor

  3. Explore if there are any DayPilot Scheduler configuration adjustments that might resolve these issues

Thank you for your assistance. Regards, Mikolaj

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

Hi Mikolaj,

Could you please send an email to, and reference this forum question so we can follow up?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

Meanwhile, some general debugging info:

> While all functionality works correctly in the HTML window (excluding double-click, right-click, and hover interactions on both row headers and events), single-click interactions are functioning as expected.

I’m not sure I understand correctly but if

  1. it’s some kind of modal dialog, and

  2. it’s the single click that is not working,

most likely the problem is that the modal dialog is swallowing the mousedown event. That prevents the click event to be fired (it requires mousedown + mouseup to be completed).

> Additionally, although I have verified that the icon URLs are correct, the icons are not displaying.

You can check the actual HTTP requests using the browser developer tools (Network tab). You will see if the browser requests the images and what the response is.

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