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DayPilotMonth Integration with MS Outlook

Asked by Anonymous
3 months ago.


After reading through one of your tutorials on export calendar data in iCalendar format:, I have found out that this tutorial uses a deprecated DDay.ical library which is no longer supported.

Is there any possible chance you can make a step-by-step tutorial on subscribing to an Outlook calendar from a data source using the now-updated iCal.NET library, which is currently being maintained.

Also, would there ever be a feature implemented where we can easily subscribe calendar data onto Microsoft Outlook directly using the DayPilot library, and whenever data changes from the source, it’ll easily automatically updates data on the necessary destination feed (i.e. Outlook), instead of installing another third-party tool. I know there have been some discussions about this about 10 years ago.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

You are right, this iCalendar tutorial is a bit outdated. I’ve added your request to the tutorial plan and it should appear at soon.

We don’t plan to add iCalendar support directly to DayPilot since there are good open-source libraries (like iCal.NET) available. Publishing the iCalendar feed doesn’t require any visual component - the data would go directly from the database to the iCalendar output.

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