There is a new cell-accessing API in the works which you can use. It is available in the latest MVC sandbox build (7.5.5597):
You can use the following API:
dps.cells.find(start, resourceId)
dps.cells.findXy(x, y)
These methods will return jQuery-like objects which you can use to modify the cell properties:
dps.cells.find("2013-09-01", "A").cssClass("sunday"); // add .sunday class to this cell
dps.cells.findXy(0, 0).cssClass("sunday"); // add .sunday class to this cell
At this moment it only selects one cell specified using its coordinates but it will be possible to select whole rows or columns (and possibly use other selectors). Something like this:
dps.cells.find("2013-09-01").cssClass("sunday"); // not implemened yet
It is possible to use the following methods on the returned class:
.cssClass() -- adds a CSS class to the cell div
.html() -- modifies the cell HTML
.each() -- applies a custom function to all the found cells
It is possible to chain the method calls: