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Drag and copy

Asked by Philippe Méric
15 years ago.


We are buyingyour Daypilot Control from a frenchsupplier (we are an administration)and we are testing an extern drag and drop from a gridview

All is ok exceptwe wantto drag an copyand not a drag and move.

Could you give us a way to undo the destruction of then source element or to refresh the gridview( the refresh in the DayPilotScheduler1_EventMove doesnt work) ?

Thank you for your response and your help


Answer posted by Anonymous
15 years ago.

hi there,

You can put null into first param of the dragStart function, something likes below:

DayPilotScheduler.dragStart(null, 60*60, "1", null);



Comment posted by Philippe M�©ric
15 years ago.

Thanks for your reply!!

It runs very well

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