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Remove Add 1 day to start date on create new event

Asked by Jeffrey
7 years ago.

Currently Schedular adds 1 day to the start date on create new event. If I click on the 10th of August the popup form appears with 2016-08-10 as Start and 2016-08-11 as the End date.

How do you configure for the End Date to be the same as the start date?

We do not use the extra checkout day in our reservation scheduling so their are many over lapping bookings which confuse the staff and make the scheduler longer than the screen height hiding bookings from view.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

The Scheduler uses exact time points. If you select a single day the dates will look like this:

* start = 2016-08-10T00:00:00
* end = 2016-08-11T00:00:00

If you store the dates as date only (instead of date/time) you can use EvenEndSpec = DateTimeSpec.Date in the config. This will convert the input and output end dates to date only and you will see the following:

* start = 2016-08-10T00:00:00
* end = 2016-08-10T00:00:00

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