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Update DayPilot and GridView with Callback

Asked by Stefan Lederer
15 years ago.


is it possible to update a GridView and the DayPilot Schedular with one callback?

I've a Page with the Schedular and a Gridview and i update them per postback. But then i lost the focus of the schedular an the control repaints again.

But when i update the schedular with callback i've to update the GridView (in an UpdatePanel) with javascript after the callback of the schedular finished. so i've 2 requests for one action.

Is there an possibility to have only one callback which updates the Gridview and the schedular?



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

CallBack can be used primarily for changes of the DayPilot control itself. Changes to other parts of the page have to be done manually using AfterRenderJavaScript.

It would be possible to send the data for the grid using Update() and update the grid using custom code in AfterRenderJavaScript but it's not too convenient.

See also:

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