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JS Schedular - Multimove across the resources(y axis)

Asked by Amol Gholap
7 years ago.

We are evaluating JavaScript Schedular. It has all the feature we are looking for but one.

We can't move multiple selected events across y axis using multimove feature. Just wanted to know if you are planning to support this in near feature or is there a way I can achieve this today.

This is what documentation has to say.

It is only possible to move the selected events in time (X axis).

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

You can move all events if you set multiMoveVerticalMode property to "All":

dp.multiMoveVerticalMode = "All";

The documentation is now updated.

Comment posted by Amol Gholap
6 years ago.

Thank you! That Helps.

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