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Can We add new header to DayPilot Scheduler?

Asked by Chandra Lekha
15 years ago.

Hi Dan,

Can we add new Header to Day Pilot Scheduler?

Currently we are using REsources mode with week view. We have

1. Day in first header

2. Hour in Second header.

We would like to split this hour to 15 minutes break.

Is it possible to have a view like DAy View (Resources Mode) along with Day Header on the top of it.

Comment posted by Joshua
14 years ago.

This sounds similar to what I want to do.

I am trying to work out if it is possible in the scheduler to have three header columns. It seems as if you can only have two according to the group by.

- Day Header -
-Hour Header -
-Minute Header-


Friday,1 May2009
6 79 9 10 11 12
0 30 0 30


Comment posted by Joshua
14 years ago.

This is handy because if you create some events in day view (where you have 15 or 30min) increment blocks you cannot create events at the same precision when switching to a multi day view. Currently you either have to give up the day header (which is useless in a multi day view) or the hour view, which again is not usable.

This would be a great feature.

Comment posted by Joshua
14 years ago.

I ended up doing this by using the BeforeTimeHeaderRenderEvent

if (!e.IsColGroup)
string hour = "";
if (e.Start.Minute == 0)
hour = e.Start.Hour.ToString();
e.InnerHTML = String.Format("<div >{1}</div><br/><span style='color:gray; font-size:8pt'>{0}</span>", e.InnerHTML, hour);

with the scheduler settings

CellDuration="30" and CellGroupBy="Day"

Maybe this will give someone some ideas.

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