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Problem with weekly recurrence

Asked by Remco de Wit
13 years ago.
Dear sir/madam, I'm experiencing some problems with the weekly recurrence using Daypilot version 6.4. When I create an appointment on, let's say, monday (startdate and enddate of the record are both on monday) and I define a weekly recurrence for tuesday, I expect the appointment not to occur on monday but only on tuesdays. This works fine for the following weeks, but the week in which the appointment was created also shows the appointment on the start date. Is this done on purpose, or is this a bug? This occurs with both the scheduler and the calendar. Kind regards, Remco de Wit
Answer posted by Dan Letecky
13 years ago.

This is by design. The first event is always defined by its start and end. The subsequent occurrences are following the recurrence rule.

This is how it works internally. However, you should be able to adjust the start/end of the first event in the code after the event is created by the user so it behaves like you describe.

Comment posted by Remco de Wit
13 years ago.
Thanks for your reply, I'll alter the start date to match the first occurence in the serie. Regards, Remco de Wit
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