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Calender to show only Business hours

Asked by Anonymous
13 years ago.
I have implemented the latest version of Calender. Its full featured calender. But it is showing 24hrs time But our business hours are 9 am to 5pm. So is there any way I can just show them 9 to 5 instead of 24hrs as for this I need to use scroll to get onto my business hours. Thanks,
Comment posted by jjsabe
13 years ago.

You can set the initial position ScrollPositionHour="9"

Comment posted by Anonymous
13 years ago.
This feature will only set scroll on the business hour. I do not want to show non business hour on Calender. Can I do that?
Comment posted by Dmitry
13 years ago.

Use BusinessBeginsHour = "9", BusinessEndsHour = "17", HeightSpec = "BusinessHoursNoScroll"

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