Is there any way to data bind cells as well as events? What I want to achieve is to have a Calendar in which Supervisors create events of various types (e.g. 'New Clients Only', 'Repeat Clients', 'Do Not Disturb'), essentially creating a rota or schedule. Normal users will then open a different Calendar for booking actual client appointments, and the background colours of the cells will indicate what kind of appointment can be booked into various timeslots.
So, if a Supervisor created an event with a type defined in my database as 'Unavailable from 9-12 on a Monday morning, when end users opened the calendar they'd see that those hours had a red background, warning them not to book there. It's ok that they would physically be able to book into these time slots even if they weren't supposed to, I'm not looking for anything TOO clever, but I could do with being able to bind cells as well as just events.