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Scheduler - colors

Asked by Jan Marten
16 years ago.

Colors in scheduler have some bugs;

- resource color is the same as HourNameBackColor, should be seperate colors I think
- BorderColorLines in the HourName cannot be given custom color, this color stays black
- Same goes for the BorderColor of the resources
- ForeColor has no effect?
- BorderStyle and BorderWidth have no effect

Kind regards
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Hi Jan, I will need to revise the color properties a little bit. All things can be done except of BorderStyle and BorderWidth. There I'm not sure it can be changed so easily (sometimes I need to use some kind of a hack to render the borders properly).

Hopefully the things you describe will be available in the next release (4.3).
Comment posted by Jan Marten
16 years ago.
Hi Dan,

Almost all of the bugs encountered like these are solvable with a lot of help from jQuery.

Eg: $("#ctl00_contents_schOverview_header > tbody > tr > td > div").css('background-color','#C0C0C0');

Or when you want to place an image in front of a resource (which doesn't work very well after a postback using HTML as resource-name, hehe):
$("#ctl00_contents_schOverview_header > tbody > tr > td > div").prepend('<img src="Images/userinfo12.gif" alt="View details">&nbsp;');
$("#ctl00_contents_schOverview_header > tbody > tr > td > div:first").html('DEMO'); //whoops, removed the demo-div, add it again
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Indeed, jQuery is a really handy tool. ;-)
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