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Adding a Color Bar using Active Areas doesn't work

Asked by Albert
2 years ago.

I'm trying the following sample (Adding a Color Bar using Active Areas):

I've just placed the following code on my scheduler object, but nothing appears.

onBeforeRowHeaderRender: function (args) {
var color = (args.row.index % 2) ? "#cc4125" : "#e69138"; // alternating colors
args.row.areas = [
{ right: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: 6, backColor: color }

Kind regards.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

If you enable columns ( you need to specify the areas for the respective args.row.columns[] item instead:

onBeforeRowHeaderRender: function (args) {
  var color = (args.row.index % 2) ? "#cc4125" : "#e69138"; // alternating colors
  var last = args.row.columns.length - 1;
  args.row.columns[last].areas = [
    { right: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: 6, backColor: color }
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